How does payment work?

If you are interested in purchasing Spanish lessons for your child, please register first here and then we will get in touch with you to process payment via a PayPal invoice.

Do you accept payment through homeschooling programs?

Yes! We accept payment for homeschooling programs. Please reach out if you have a specific program that you work and if we are not already an approved vendor, we can work with you to become one for your school.

What type of Spanish can my child expect to learn?

All classes are meant to teach conversational Spanish in a fun and engaging way! We teach situational Spanish that will help your child learn basic phrases they can use in everyday life.

What is the earliest age you teach?

Our classes are best suited for children who are 4 years or older.

Do you teach adults as well?

If you’re interested in one on one tutoring, please reach out here and we can put together a more customized program for your individual needs.